Day 2 Dessert: Dorie Greenspan’s Pate Sablee: the very best crust


Dorie gives us the version of pate sablee tart crust that doesn’t need to be rolled out. Simply blend the ingredients in your Cuisinart until they clump together, form them into a soft ball, and mold the dough into your 9″ tart pan and you’re ready to go. It is easy; impossible to fail.

We used Martha Stewart’s strawberry rhubarb tart filling because it requires no pre-cook! Just mix the ingredients, pop them into your crust, and bake for 1 hr 15 minutes at 375 degrees.

Paired with a surprise for Paul, homemade cardamom ice cream from David Lebovitz, this is a dessert we will make over and over again. He looked like a kindergartener when he found out about it.



2 thoughts on “Day 2 Dessert: Dorie Greenspan’s Pate Sablee: the very best crust

  1. OK, I not only love the beauty of your rhubarb tart but the two feet are just perfect!
    I can almost taste the cardamon ice cream so well described. For what it’s worth, here is a cardamon cookie recipe. I haven’t made them yet but am truly inspired to do so by y’all!!!

    Cashew and cardamon clouds
    25-30 cookies
    1/4 cup powder sugar, dust when cooled, and again before serving
    2 cups flour
    1/2 lb unsalted butter, chilled, cut into 1/2 in pieces
    1/2 cup raw, finely chopped cashews
    2tsp vanilla extract
    1tsp cardamon powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    Oven 325, 20-25 min
    Use fork to mix ingredients
    Loose, crumbly, let stand for 30min, covered at room temperature.
    Squeeze dough together, flour on hands, make 1in diameter balls, smash to 1/3 in thickness


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